Recently the press was given some time with the upcoming PS3 title including single player, level editor and ”everything else.”
While the attendee notes the code is still fragile at times, with crashes mentioned, the development team back in March said they were ”slaving” to reach Alpha stage.
“It’s going to be the most important game ever,” said an attendee. ”It’s just astonishing.”
It’s certainly a quirking game but I think being the most important game ever is overstating it - this person obviously hasn’t seen enough trailers for Grand Theft Auto IV or Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - and that’s near criminal. Sony has confirmed that LittleBigPlanet is scheduled for sometime this September, along with Killzone 2.
No one could deny it’s a beautiful looking game and it’s certainly an original creation like Katamari - but those far-out types of games don’t appeal to everyone. One thing’s for sure it’ll definitely shift more PS3 units in Japan.
Click here to visit the official LittleBigPlanet website.