Gamers have been complaining of having to wait rather long times to get in on the multiplayer action through Gears of War 2’s public matchmaking.
Epic Games have acknowledged the issue and are working on ”some solutions” to sort the mess out but add it’s a ”complicated issue” as there isn’t any one cause.
”We’re aware that some folks are experiencing longer-than-ideal wait times while using the skill-based Public matchmaking in Gears 2 multiplayer. We’re working on some solutions but it’s a complicated issue as there isn’t any one problem; it’s a combination of factors,” posted senior producer Ron Fergusson on the official forums.
”Clearly, scale is one of them as we’ve had millions of successful matches played online so far, however a small percentage of players are having issues, which is unacceptable. We’re working closely with Microsoft to address the matchmaking issues, I promise you that it is our #1 priority, and we hope to have an update soon.”
All they offer at the moment is a number of workarounds for the annoying wait times like choosing a different playlist in case that one’s full, and to avoid going in as a party of 1 or 4 as this seems to be causing hiccups too.
”Again, I apologize for any issues you may be having and I hope the above workarounds give you a better experience until we are able to correct the issues we’re seeing,” adds Fergusson. He also posted some interesting facts on Gears of War 2 multiplayer so far:
- Almost 3 million multiplayer matches (excluding Private) have been played.
Almost 1 million screenshot photos have been uploaded to
The most popular multiplayer mode is Horde.
The most popular multiplayer map across all modes is River.
The most lethal weapon is the Gnasher shotgun with almost 29% of all kills.
Source: 1UP