Earning achievements in the first Gears of War will, as Epic has now revealed, unlock some extra goodies in Gears of War 2 multiplayer.
It hasn’t be announced whether all the unlockable content is only related to multiplayer as only three of the ‘linked achievements’ have become public.
Below are three that are confirmed:
“Completed Act 1” achievement in GoW unlocks Anthony Carmine in GoW2 multiplayer.
“A Dish Best Served Cold” achievement in GoW unlocks General RAAM in GoW2 multiplayer.
“Time to Remember” achievement in GoW unlocks Minh Young Kim in GoW2 multiplayer.
Hopefully the Epic team will have some serious rewards for the seriously hardcore gamers who have left no accomplishment off their hit list. It’s unlikely anything would affect the balance of the game, on or offline.
Gears of War 2 is being released exclusively on Xbox360 this November.
Source: CVG