Commander Shepard’s return has been confirmed as January 29th in the UK and Europe, with developer BioWare also unveiling what pre-order goodies come with Mass Effect 2.
Terminus Gear and Inferno Armour each have their perks and will be available from retailers yet to be named, as DLC. Mass Effect 2 is BioWare’s ‘Empire Strikes Back’ chapter.
It’s a much darker and far more perilous adventure that Shepard finds him/herself on this time around, even though stopping a galactic purge rates pretty high. Human colonies have begun to disappear and the Commander is enlisted by the rogue Cerberus group.
Greatly improved combat, more fluid and interruptible dialogue, improved visuals and less load times, vastly improved inventory management… all this and more comes with Mass Effect 2.
The Terminus Gear increases speed, shields and ammo reserves for the player, and is said to be for planets with extreme conditions. It also comes with the M-490 Blackstorm, a gun that creates a localised gravity well, so it’s best to point it away from yourself.
The Inferno Armour meanwhile improves response times, run speed, damage inflicted and even gives a bonus to Shepard’s negotiating skills. Lest you have forgotten, purchasers of Dragon Age: Origins also unlock Blood Dragon Armour for Mass Effect 2; attributes unknown.
Mass Effect 2 is being released on Xbox 360 and PC January 26th in the US, and on the 29th in Europe. There is no PlayStation 3 version coming. Check out the trailer below.
Source: Eurogamer