Success for PlayStation Move that is, the rest of the world’s fate is unknown. Butler also has a dig at Project Natal, calling it ”third grade” childish.
”Kevin Butler here coming to you from the future, that’s right, all the way from November 2010,” begins the Sony ad, reports He talks about one of the big events to pass which is ”the arrival of the future of gaming - PlayStation Move - which has been an incredible success”. Jokes aside it points toward a pre-November date.
What Sony blurb would be complete without some ribbing of the competition?
”Plus PlayStation move is not only crazy precise, it’s also got what we in the future call buttons, which turn out to be pretty important to those handfuls of millions of people who enjoy playing shooters, platformers… well anything that doesn’t involve catching a big red ball,” said the future telling Butler.
”Who wants to pretend their hand is a gun? What is this, third grade?” See it below.