You will be able to ”continue right where you left off!” The dev teases the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon for users at level 35 or higher. The studio thanks everyone in beta so far.
Beta users have been ”instrumental in getting us prepared for launch”, praised ArenaNet. Keys to Beta Weekend Event 2 will be given through partners for those interested.
”Your existing beta characters have not been deleted, and you will be able to continue right where you left off! This means that enterprising players with characters level 35 or higher will be able to test their mettle against the explorable version of the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon!” blogged the studio.
”In addition to sharing this news with you, I want to convey a massive “thank you” to all of you for playing in our beta events so far. The participation and enthusiasm we’ve seen has exceeded our expectations, and we’re all very grateful and appreciative here at the studio.”
On scoring some beta keys: ”For those who haven’t yet pre-purchased Guild Wars 2, you’ll still have a chance to play in the beta. We’re teaming up with our partners to give away keys for Beta Weekend Event 2, so follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get the latest news.”
Beta Weekend Event 2 schedule
Starts: Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7)
Closes: Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7)
Check out the ArenaNet blog for more information.