Art of War, the latest expansion for grand strategy titan Europa Universalis 4, will be out at the end of the month, developer Paradox Interactive has confirmed.
You can check out the latest changes to EU4 in this new developer diary, presented by project lead Martin Anward.
Act of War packs in a bunch of new features, additions and changes, including a new revolt system to track political and social unrest, a revamped Papal elections systems and a new Reformation structure that apparently ”encourages religious conflict”. Because that’s always a good idea.
If you’re wondering where the ‘war’ element comes in, there’s a new system for managing your naval fleets, and and army construction template that makes reforming your destroyed military units easier. You can also turn your vassals into client states, then bleed them of men and gold to bulk up your armies. While laughing maniacally.
Something for all you armchair Napoleons. Art of War drops this October 30.