You might have thought there were already enough ways to splatter Zeds across the walls in Killing Floor 2, but the upcoming free Incinerate n’ Detonate pack is here to prove you wrong. You might be able to guess the particular flavours of zombie-murdering that the new content pack brings to the table.
Actually, you don’t have to. After first revealing the free update at E3 earlier this month (video below), developer Tripwire Interactive has finally detailed some of the contents.
First up, there’s two new perks for player characters, each of which focuses them on a different kind of combat. The Firebug, unsurprsingly, loves all things flame-based, and can carry a flamethrower, trench-gun with incendiary ammo, and hurl molotov cocktails. The Demolitions expert, meanwhile, prefers C4 and RPGs.
You’ll also find a brand new map, called Evacuation Point. This is the “site of a Danish last stand as people rushed to escape to sea to avoid a painful death against the incoming zed hoard.” Finally, in case the game wasn’t already gory enough, Nvidia’s been working on some new FleX gore tech. Read up about that here.
There’s no word on when players can get their hands on all this just yet. Killing Floor 2 is still in Early Access development right now, with a full release planned for late 2015.