The sequel to Halo Wars, the RTS developed by Ensemble Studios back in 2009, will be arriving sometime later this year for PC and Xbox One. Halo Wars 2 will be developed by Creative Assembly, the team behind the Total War games. There hasn’t been much information released about it by Microsoft, but that hasn’t stopped fans somehow finding pictures relating to the game.
Twitter user @Lifelower has discovered some leaked art for Halo Wars 2. While I personally don’t know much about Halo Wars, I’ve been told these pictures may spoil some of the story elements in the game. You’ve been warned!
Microsoft’s new initiative (Project Helix) to bring Xbox One games to the PC is rumoured to include future Halo games.
Project Helix is trying to link up the Xbox and Windows platforms, which would make sense considering the Xbox One is actually running a version of Windows as its main operating system. The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications are the beginning of the link up.