The upcoming Diablo III has been confirmed as a PC and MAC exclusive game, Blizz VP of game design Rob Pardo has acknowledged that Diablo could touchdown on a console.
”Target selection is something you’re going to lose on console,” he mused. Of all their franchises he believes Diablo would be the ”easiest game to translate.”
”I think it’s theoretically possible. It would have some control changes that I think you’d have to make… But it’s probably, of our major franchises, the one that’s most console friendly, for sure,” said Pardo in an interview with Eurogamer.
”You’d need to think about a lot of the point-and-click spells, like point to area-of-effect, or things like line-damage in this direction,” Pardo continued. ”Target selection is something you’re going to lose on console, you’re really going to be able to do targeting direction, but not specific targeting.”
Diablo is an action-RPG so being able to target enemies with specific accuracy is a must and would, as Pardo mentions, present perhaps the most significant challenge for a console Diablo.
Pardo doesn’t feel a re-design would need to be on the table for a console version: ”Oh, I don’t think it would be a redesigned game,” he firmly replied. ”Out of StarCraft, Warcraft or WOW, Diablo would be the easiest game to translate. But it would still take a bit of work.”
Click here to peruse Eurogamer’s Diablo III preview, and interview with Rob Pardo.
Source: videogaming247