Microsoft has announced that Xbox Live would be down this morning for some engineers to tinker with it; it’s all gearing up for the New Xbox Experience.
It began at 10:00am GMT and should be ”up to 45-minutes” out of service, posted Major Nelson. The official forums will be temporarily made read-only too.
”On Monday,11/17/2008 from 2:00 AM PST for up to 45–minutes, Xbox Live will be offline for maintenance,” said the Major.
”As a result, Xbox LIVE and the ‘My Xbox’ section of will be unavailable, and the Xbox forums will be in read only mode (you won’t be able to post.) The remainder of will be available with limited interruptions.”
All this messing around is ”in preparation for the new Xbox experience which will be available this Wednesday.” In just two days we can finally see for ourselves what all the buzz and fuss has been about.