The title includes new content and also works with Sony’s PS3 motion controller, with the team ”evaluating what they can do for 360 players as well”.
The Alternate Edition will be released at retail as a new package in Japan, but Capcom are still unsure how to distribute it in North America and Europe.
”Here in North America, and over there in Europe, Capcom is wrapping its collective head around the notion of how the new content will be delivered to RE faithful,” explained Capcom’s Chris Kramer on the Capcom Unity blog. ”We’re of two minds at the moment about delivery. Since you will ultimately be the people buying and playing this new content, we’ve decided that you should be the ones telling us how to make it available.”
The two choices outside of Japan are releasing it as a physical package or allowing it for download only.
Kramer went on to say, ”We’re gonna let the poll run for a few weeks, then present the team with the results and our recommendations. Once we get it all sorted, we’ll report back with an official announcement.”
Make sure you vote here, and let us know what you think.