US retailer Kmart has blown the surprise for Sony on PS3 Slim, and scuppered the great feeling we get peddling PlayStation 3 price cut rumours around the Internet.
Kmart went with a ”rumours are reality” promo, and later added a PlayStation 3 slim pre-order page. Meanwhile, FYE has listed the 80 GB and 160 GB PS3 models down $100 each. Woohoo.
”The rumors are reality – New Low Price & A New Exciting Playstation 3,” blurbed Kmart.
Kotaku reports: ”Reader Cloud works at an FYE, and says his store just got these posters in. As you can see, they’re advertising some pretty damn hefty price reductions for the two models of the PlayStation 3.” Finally, Sony has relented and we’re getting those cuts.
No shots of the slim line PlayStation 3 yet… maybe GamesCom will enlightened us further?