They are so involved with Kinect that they seem to be seriously interested in utilizing the controller-less motion control device with future releases of Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and Ghost Recon.
(On a side note, not to bury the lead, but it really is past time for a new Ghost Recon title, and a new Rainbow Six game would be nice, too.)
Ubisoft chief marketing and sales officer Geoffroy Sardin told MCV in an interview, ”We will be bringing some of the industry’s most innovative offerings to Kinect soon. I think we can propose Kinect versions of all the brands that we’ve got, but it is down to the production team. I can’t announce anything, but we will have something for everyone, that I can assure you.”
Two more Ubisoft games have been confirmed for Kinect, Michael Jackson: The Experience and spiritual Rez successor Child of Eden. However, Ubisoft is looking to its core properties for Kinect - which game could utilize it best?