They’ve also ”opened or relocated 13 stores” and shuttered 25 concessions in Debenhams stores. 19 more stores have now been informed of their closure.
GAME bought out rival Gamestation and so faced having multiple locations in the same high street or shopping centre. ”You will remember that last April we announced plans to close 85 UK stores over three years, to reach 550 by the end of 2013,” said GAME.
”This was part of a detailed review to ensure that our stores are in the right locations for our customers, and we have already started to move some locations accordingly.”
”Since the statement in April 2010, we have opened or relocated 13 stores and closed 19, as well as 25 Debenhams concessions. This year we will continue with this strategy and we have now informed 19 stores that we are proposing closure in the coming weeks.”
”This is never easy news to announce and I am fully aware of the impact of these decisions on our people. We are fully committed to finding alternative roles for those who are potentially impacted by the decisions,” continued regional MD Martyn Gibbs.
Staff at the affected stores were told earlier in the week however the actual stores now set to close haven’t been disclosed by GAME.