Home Affairs Federal Minister Brendan O’Connor has announced that if the upcoming SCAG (Standing Committee of Attorney-General) cannot come up to a unanimous vote to allow the R18+ rating, there was the distinct possibility that the matter would be left to individual regions to decide their videogame ratings arrangements.
This is just the opening that South Australian Attorney-General John Rau was looking for, as he confirmed earlier today that his district would adopt the R18+ rating for his region, and is so steadfast about the matter that he would institute it regardless of what SCAG decided.
“I’ve been consulting very broadly on this (issue) for a year now, I’ve been listening to parents and gaming advocates and I have come to the conclusion that both points of view are legitimate and need to be accommodated,” Rau defiantly stated, ”Recent moves by the federal government suggests that there will be an R18+ classification for video games in some form after the July (SCAG) meeting.”
Things are looking up, especially if Rau gets his way. Perhaps his steadfastness will convince the other regional ministers to vote yes on a mature rating just to have unilateral solidarity on the matter.