Ubisoft has begun an alternate reality game (ARG) surrounding their surprise hit of E3, Watch Dogs. The ARG revolves around the fictional art gallery dotconnexion which was owned by Josph Demarco, the fellow assassinated in the E3 demo.
Well, the publisher accidentally revealed 500 users real emails in an ARG letter to users participating in the ARG, instead of blind copying them (BCC).
Ubisoft has since sent another email apologizing for the violation, stating:
”Dear User,
Ubisoft takes privacy matters seriously. Recently we discovered some users’ email addresses were gathered without following proper privacy guidelines and procedures. As a precaution, we are removing your email from our marketing database.
If you’d like to continue to receive updates and news on Watchdogs, update your Uplay account by clicking here.
If you would like more information on Ubisoft’s stance regarding your privacy, you can check out our privacy policy here. We thank you for your interest in Watch Dogs and look forward to sharing more about the game in the future.
Best Regards,
The Ubisoft Team”
The ARG for Watch Dogs continues to move ahead; the game is due to be released in 2013 for PC and consoles.