Looking forward to the imminent announcement of the next generation? With Sony expected to announce the PS4 this Wednesday, it seems Crytek boss Cevat Yerli isn’t too excited about the prospect of a new console. In a recent interview, Yerli confirmed the crushing realisation that consoles will never be able to match the high-spec performance of PC gaming.
”Without breaking NDAs that are in place, realistically, from purely a price point perspective, it is impossible,” he said.The main reason for such a comment comes from cost.
”It’s impossible to package $2000-3000 into a mainstream, let’s say $500 console. I’m not saying they are $500 consoles. They may launch a console at $2000, but the consumer pricing is usually much lower than that.
“So, given consumer pricing, and given the cost of production of a gamer PC and the amount of watt of power it needs, which is like a fridge, it’s impossible.”
Although Yerli is only reinforcing facts we already knew, the gap between console and PC gaming could continue to grow across the next few years. Will you be upgrading your rig for the next gen, or purchasing a shiny new console from Sony and Microsoft?