Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Ascendance DLC has arrived on PC, bringing new maps, weapons, and another chapter of undead Exo-suit mayhem in the next chapter of Zombie mode, titled Infection.
The new OHM LMG/Shotgun is (as you might have guessed) one of those hybrid weapons that CoD developers seem to love so much these days.
It’s pretty fun to use, though I still find switching between modes a bit irritating in the midst of battle. It’s quick, but the LMG seems to get the job done just fine, you know? There’s a custom variant to the weapon called the Werewolf, which lets you run faster at the expense of using more ammo, but I haven’t got hold of that yet.
Perplex, Site 244, Climate and Chop Shop are the new maps, and of those it’s Perplex, with its multiple storeys and tight corners that’s the standout. The others are nice to look at, but not particularly notable.
Aaaand I haven’t played Infection yet, because zombies bore the pants off me at this point. Concise review there, huh? All this is a bit overpriced at £11.59 (or as part of the £34.99 Season Pass) if you ask me, but it’s enjoyable enough.