Observant gamers may have noticed a shift in Ubisoft’s current roster of upcoming and recently released games, including Rainbow Six: Siege, Tom Clancy’s The Division and For Honor. The publisher has been focusing on multiplayer titles, and CEO CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed in an investor update that its upcoming, untitled AAA title will also be ”multiplayer-centric.”
The philosophy has arisen from the fact that in order to survive in the current age of gaming, companies have to keep players engaged with a single title, more so than having an annualised series. This fact is why Ubisoft is no longer mandating there be an Assassin’s Creed game every year.
Guillemot stated In the investor update that Ubisoft has laid out a plan to grow revenue to €2.2 billion yearly by the end of its 2018-19 fiscal year. This represents a 60% increase in the publisher’s current revenue. To accomplish this, Ubisoft will be focusing on ”a strong push on multiplayer-centric games.”
Ubisoft also revealed that it would be growing its properties in other media. The upcoming Assassin’s Creed film starring Michael Fassbender is one of the grander attempts at marketing their products, but Ubisoft also will be promoting its IPs through theme parks and young adult novels.