Company: Xaviant Games


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The Culling

Only with cunning, skill and a little luck will you be able to prevail and survive the deadly game of life and death.

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2 Days After Release, The Culling 2 is a Ghost Town

2 Days After Release, The Culling 2 is a Ghost Town

You could even say that the player base of The Culling 2 has been... culled.

Xaviant announces new Hunger Games-style PvP survival game, The Culling

Xaviant announces new Hunger Games-style PvP survival game, The Culling

Xaviant has announced a new PvP survival game, The Culling, which is basically a 16 player deathmatch sole survivor elimination game, but with players having to craft their own weapons and scavenge to get potent enough to eliminate other players.