Star Wars: The Old Republic FAQ
How does Star Wars: The Old Republic differ from other MMO titles?
Star Wars: The Old Republic will be similar to other MMOs but with several key innovations. Traditionally MMOs are built on three pillars; Exploration, Combat, and Progression. We at BioWare and LucasArts believe there is a fourth pillar: Story. Our mission is to create the best story-driven games in the world. We believe that the compelling, interactive storylines in Star Wars: The Old Republic are a significant innovation to MMOs and will offer an entertainment experience unlike any other.
What Species and Classes can I play as?
We have yet to announce specific playable species and classes.
Will I be able to travel to other worlds?
Yes, you will be able to travel to many of the planets featured in the Star Wars movies and in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. There will also be a number of new planets and star systems to explore.
Will I be able to play on the Light or Dark side of the Force?
Yes, during character selection you will align with the Republic or the Sith Empire. In addition, throughout the game you will also be faced with many decisions which can change your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force.
When does Star Wars: The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?
Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. The most powerful Sith Empire in history has emerged from deep space to attack the Republic and its legendary Jedi guardians. After decades of war, a tenuous truce has been established between the Sith Empire and the Republic, but events occurring in the game are leading the galaxy back to an all-out war.
How does Star Wars: The Old Republic relate to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.
Will I see any characters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Given that it is approximately 300 years since the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, many of the characters have passed away. However, their legacy does live on as many of their descendants will be part of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Some droids can last a long time as well.
When will Star Wars: The Old Republic be released?
No release date has been set for Star Wars: The Old Republic. To keep informed as to the status of Star Wars: The Old Republic, be sure to join our newsletter. We also encourage you to visit the official website to view regularly scheduled content updates.
How can I get into the Beta Test?
We have not yet scheduled the Beta Test for Star Wars: The Old Republic. We recommend subscribing to the newsletter or keeping an eye on the official website so you can be one of the first informed when this information is released.
Will Star Wars: The Old Republic be released in multiple countries?
Star Wars: The Old Republic will be released simultaneously in various countries of the world and the service will be localized in several languages. More details on this will be released at a later date
How much will it cost to play Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Pricing for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be determined and announced at a later date.
What will the game be rated?
Star Wars: The Old Republic has not yet been rated by the ESRB. The current rating is “Rating Pending”.
What are the system requirements for Star Wars: The Old Republic?
We will detail specific system requirements closer to the release date.