The team admit some multiplayer units ”might be overpowered,” and how tough it is to avoid the ”pendulum effect” of balancing stuff.
”We definitely want to do more DLC for both single-player and multiplayer,” Schafer told GamePro in an interview, ”as well as some tuning patches.”
”Watching people play Brutal Legend makes it seem that certain units might be overpowered, like some players will just spam Fire Barons,” he continued.
”It’s an interesting issue because you can counter that strategy by using Skull Rakers or double-teaming with a Razor Girl or Bride, so we’re testing to see if people are learning to use those counters and once we find the exact tuning tweak to make it perfect we’ll implement it in a patch.” Brutal Legend is out for Xbox 360 and PS3.
”It’s tough to avoid the pendulum effect where you go back and forth, so we try to focus on one fix that will make the game more fun,” concluded the studio boss.
Once piece of DLC exists for the game, ‘ Tears of the Hextadon’, which adds a new axe and several new multiplayer maps. There’s been a rumour of a PC version in the future. We’ve strummed our way to victory alongside Eddie Riggs, and scribbled thoughts.