The hit cartoon show Metalocalypse, aired on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, is receiving the videogame treatment and will release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
It’s called ‘Metalocalypse: Dethgame’, and gamers don’t play as the lead stars but as roadies in service to Dethklok. The game unveils at Comic-Con this week; no release date yet.
”The first idea was we make the band merciless and murderous but that doesn’t work on the show,” said creator Brendon Small, reports the Wall Street Journal. ”Our show is really about five narcissistic super-celebrities who can’t open the door by themselves.”
The impending release of Double Fine’s Brutal Legend, starring Jack Black and other notables, isn’t seen as a competitor to Metalocalypse: Dethgame - it just shows heavy metal is rising to fame once again argues Small.
”If you’re an investor in some genre of music, I’d say metal is a good bet,” he said. Are you a diehard Dethklok fan, ready to cave the world’s face in on behalf of your metal gods?
Source: VG247