Powered by the same engine Insomniac used in Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty, Ratchet and Clank return to fans exclusively on PS3 this fall.
A Crack in Time promises to answer questions the last game blew at the player, but that doesn’t mean the devs can’t offer a cliff-hanging teaser. Will their ”destinies lie with each other?”
”There will be plenty to talk about over the next few months as we work towards our fall release, and we can’t wait to share more,” posts Insomniac’s James Stevenson on the US PlayStation.Blog.
”Do Ratchet and Clank’s destinies lie with each other? Or is it finally time for the universe’s greatest duo to separate for good?”
Are you a Ratchet & Clank groupie, or is Insomniac’s Resistance series more your thing? Maybe your still pining for the Spyro days of yore?
Source: Kotaku