An uprising of Claptraps seems to be a direction Gearbox will go next with DLC, featuring ‘robotically revived’ foes. It’s by no means final.
”There are a few things there,” said Randy Pitchford, boss of Gearbox.
”But I think it’s like reading a draft of a script for a movie that hasn’t even been announced yet, let alone launched - yeah you might learn something, but it’s not the real thing and it could just drive you crazy thinking about it.”
The latest PC patch 1.31 held a ‘treasure trove’ of information on the upcoming plans for Borderlands. Types of missions, quests and characters were revealed by avid fans data mining the secrets. As payback the studio might hide more stuff to find in the DLC.
”Seeing that this happened does make me want to hide some super juicy secrets in the DLC, though. If we do, we’ll be sure to hide them really good, though, so it takes more than a day to find them,” teased Pitchford. ”I wonder who will find them first?”
Major spoilage for the DLC has been posted on the official Gearbox forums.