The story is an original one from Marvel comic writer Christos Gage, with the plot designed to complement the film. Next Level Games are developing?
Captain America: Super Soldier has been officially announced by SEGA and is coming out sometime next summer, and yes it is a tie-in to the feature film. The studio doesn’t plan for this to be some quick and cheap knock-off though.
”Working closely with Marvel ensures we’re delivering the calibre of product that gamers and comic fans deserve,” said SEGA’s Gary Knight, ”and it’s a partnership we’re proud of here at SEGA.” Developer Next Level Games are stamped on released media shots.
High Voltage is rumoured to be making the Nintendo Wii version of the game, the same development team behind Wii’s Iron Man 2. Captain America: Super Soldier is a third-person action adventure with lots of running about and in your face combat.
Marvel comic writer Christos Gage is behind the narrative for the game, and he’s worked on series like Avengers: The Initiative, Siege: Captain America, The Invincible Iron Man, X-Men, Spider-Man and others. This story will not port but compliment the film.
The motion picture is due for release July 22nd, 2011. It’s directed by Joe Johnston and stars Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. The videogame releases on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and DS in summer 2011.