Gran Turismo 5 got its November 4th date for Japan, Dynasty Warriors 6 revealed and is PS3 exclusive, The Last Guardian is for next Christmas.
Sony flooded their TGS event with PS Move titles: Start the Party, The Shoot, Sports Champions, Tumble, TV Superstars, The Fight, Heroes on the Move, High Velocity Bowling, Echochrome II, Tiger Woods, Resident Evil 5, Virtua Tennis 4, Time Crisis, Killzone 3, LittleBigPlanet 2 and Ape Escape. 13 studios are making 35 games for Move.
They then moved (I made a joke!) on to 3D with Everybody’s Golf and Final Fantasy XIV stretching out into that 3rd dimension. The Metal Gear Solid: Rising E3 trailer was shown again in 3D this time and so was Disaster 4: Summer Memories and Gran Turismo 5.
There was news of some PSP titles like The 3rd Birthday from Square Enix, which ships December 22nd in Japan, and even a special Monster Hunter themed PSP releasing along with the third game December 1st.
A trailer for Capcom’s Asura’s Wrath was shown again and so was the brand new Devil May Cry where nothing is ”taboo” to get the series where it needs to be to work. Ninja Theory is developing the new DMC game along with Capcom, starring a young Dante.
Konami then aired a trailer for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow which they’re calling a ‘rebirth’ for the series, and the footage had a whole array of scenes from the game. It’s out December 16th in Japan with a Collector’s Edition teased as well. Clip is Japanese.
Sega took to the stage with Yakuza: Of the End which is completely overrun with zombies and has the cast of the series gunning them down with abandon. Someone even had a mini-gun where their naturally non-mini-gun arm should be.
The new HD ICO and Shadow of the Collosus got paraded by Sony confirming that everything is on track although no date was offered during the TGS unveiling. The Last Guardian got all-new footage and was slapped with a ‘holiday 2011’ window for release.
Gran Turismo 5 got its November 3rd date for Japanese stores and Koei Tecmo, or Tecmo Koei if you prefer, ran a compilation of past Dynasty Warriors games before announcing the PS3 exclusive Dynasty Warriors 6 with more info due next month on it.
Sony wrapped up their TGS 2010 showcase with a bunch of compilation vids. Has anything Sony revealed at the Tokyo Game Show slapped a grin or grimace on your face?