The problem is that C&C4: Tiberian Twilight, much like Ubisoft’s new PC DRM, demands a constant Internet connection. No net = no go.
Oh dear EA and just when things were starting to look up for you. C&C 4 uses the same basic principle of Ubisoft’s new ‘always connected’ DRM for PC titles. If the Internet connection is lost you can still play but nothing gets saved.
Considering that C&C4 is all about player progression by unlocking new units through experience and the like - this is very bad indeed. I have experienced some of the troubles myself, such as moving the cursor ‘too soon’ after the game menu appears - crash.
It’s been advised that should you lose an Internet connection during the singleplayer campaign, immediately save and then quit to reload the game. Oddly C&C4 doesn’t try to reconnect once it warns of you Internet loss.
”…C&C 4 has been patched, my friends in France/Russia, you are saved, login and play, HF and TGIF!” twittered community manager ‘EA_APOC’ recently. Good news then for French and Russian fans, but what about the rest of the world? I guess we have to wait.
Have you played Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight? Having trouble?
Source: Eurogamer