News comes from the official website with plenty of reasons for this hatred towards GameStop, including negative behavior in the past and a lack of support to the PC platform and independent games.
”On March 31st, Stardock Systems announced that Impulse will be purchased by GameStop, likely some time in May. Due to a rather large list of things we detest about GameStop, Star Ruler will no longer be available for purchase on Impulse after the takeover.” said a representative for Blind Mind Studios.
“We are ending sales through Impulse due to GameStop’s long, negative behavior toward the PC platform and independent games. We would never have signed onto distribution through GameStop, and being forced into this situation has only made it worse for us. We feel GameStop cannot serve as the leader of a true competitor in the digital distribution market.“
GameStop will gain full control over Impulse in May.
You can see the full message on the official website here.