An unnamed French Sony employee has allegedly [url= | en&]leaked[/url] information about what the content of Sony’s press conference will be. Much of the leaked info was reported weeks and even months ago. |
According to the source, Sony will feature the following at their press conference:
* Sony will confirm the official name, pricing and release date of the NGP
There will be 7 first party titles revealed for the NGP
Hideo Kojima’s NGP project likely to be Peace Walker
The Wipeout engine has been perfectly ported over to the NGP and you can expect the release of the game in the first quarter of the NGP’s launch
Chance of another Metal Gear game on its way in the future
There are 37 titles in the working for Sony platforms, but most will not be revealed until a European event (likely Gamescom)
Sony will reveal titles that will not be available until Christmas 2012 at E3
Santa Monica Studios will be on board, but don’t expect much more information about the title (potentially next God of War title)
A sequel to Warhawk will be revealed before E3
2 PS3 exclusives won’t be presented at E3 but will be available before the end of the year in Europe
Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3 and The Last Guardian will be playable at E3
Polyphony Digital are returning with a new title before March 2012
Polyphony would like to make Europe a privilege for its next title. “Please don’t underestimate their work even if they deceived some of you.”
A Rockstar game, probably GTA V, could be released before Agent was planned to be
A third party title is in a “big battle” with Sony. The developers seem to be Bungie, so the game would be their next project with Activision.
None of this seems surprising, since not only has much of this info been out in the wild already, but Starhawk has already been announced, and Grand Theft Auto V is already strongly rumored to being shown at E3, and for the Project Cafe console.