Ubisoft has issued their latest release schedule and its tightened up some retail windows for us, like Driver: San Francisco’s which is now due September.
Child of Eden for PS3 is Q2 2011 which is from now till the end of June, the Xbox 360 version is June 17th in the UK. Splinter Cell HD is Q2 bound also.
Yes the PlayStation 3 collection was down for the first half of this year but was said to have been delayed but at least we know it should arrive before June’s end. Call of Juarez: The Cartel will be releasing this summer.
Nintendo 3DS titles Driver Renegade and James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes arrive in Ubisoft’s third financial quarter, which runs from between November and January.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is pencilled in for Ubi’s 2011/12 fiscal period which is anytime from now until March 2012. What are you looking forward to on the Ubisoft slate?