It’s not based on some ”real life scenario” and so isn’t insensitive to events surrounding 9/11. Robert Bowling notes it’s an ”invasion of the entire US”, not just NYC.
Infinity’s creative strategist Robert Bowling was asked in an interview if they were concerned that Modern Warfare 3’s blitzing of New York might stir up memories of 9/11.
”I’m not too worried about it because the conflict that’s raging in Modern Warfare 3 is very different from any real life scenario - because this is a war, this is a full-on Russian military invasion of the entire US that started in Modern Warfare 2,” explained Bowling.
”They have already disabled Washington DC and the war has just organically been progressing off the East Coast, and New York is a major city that would… So this is very different because it’s full-on military fighting through the streets,” he continued.
”…so I think that’s going to be very clear once people play it, and get hands-on, and see what type of conflict this is, and then it spreads to the other major cities.”
Modern Warfare 2 drew a lot of controvesy for it’s opening level, which was optional, as it had the player take part in an airport massacre in Russia. The media had a field day blasting the studio and dragged in as many ‘experts’ and hostile opinions as they could.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC November 8th.