The reason it got revised is because the ”release date has moved” from winter 2011 and it’s now launching ”closer to the end” of the fiscal year, leaving less time for sales.
With the new window Capcom now believe around 2 million will be sold by the end of this fiscal, whereas more could have been tallied (an extra 500k) if it hadn’t of delayed.
”Last week Capcom Japan announced that the forecast for RE ORC was being reduced from 2.5 million to 2 million,” blogged Capcom. Speculation began to run rife that the Resident Evil house was losing confidence in the project. This new Resi Evil stars six playable characters in a third-person shooter set in RE2’s Raccoon City.
”To clarify this is not because there is a lack of confidence in the title, but because the release date has moved from the previously stated winter 2011 to closer to the end of the fiscal with 2 million being the number of copies we expect to ship before the end of the fiscal.” Capcom promises more game assets will be revealing soon.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC March 20th, 2012.