The game takes place on the titular planet Maia, a world a mere 12 light years from Earth in the Tau Ceti system. The planet’s magnetosphere has been destroyed by the constant bombardment of asteroids, leavinhg the surface battered by ultraviolet and X-Ray radiation storms.
It’s up to the player to manage an underground colony base while terraforming the surface. According to the site, players will ”mine minerals for construction, build rooms to house, feed and entertain (their) colonists and defenses to protect them from dangerous wildlife” and ”research sources of power, water and food. Explore the surface and perform science to produce the technology (they) need to survive (their) new home.”
Roth also listed some of the stretch goals:
* £101010 Cats and dogs. Aid your colony’s defenses with some fluffy dealers of death.
£110000 Extra detail mode for super high res displays. (2,880 x 1,800+)
£125000 A full single player campaign and story.
£130000 A campaign editor! Design your own single player maps.
£150000 A robot editor! Design your own robots and turrets!
£200000 ?????!