It posits what could have been had Washington been seduced by absolute power as he transforms young America into a ”despotic empire.”
In this alternative single-player campaign, George Washington is a tyrant who commands the slaughter of young Connor’s tribe. This gets his hidden blades all twitchy for revenge.
”Explore an alternate reality where George Washington has become a tyrant. Driven insane with unlimited power, he has transformed the young United States into a despotic empire,” blurbs publisher Ubisoft.
”After witnessing the death of his loved ones in his tribe at King Washington’s hands, a hero will rise, calling upon the special abilities locked within his lineage, to seek justice and freedom for the people.” The ‘Tyranny of King Washington’ DLC is part of the Season Pass for Assassin’s Creed 3 and serves as ‘non-canon’ for the main storyline.
This purely ‘what if’ adventure is due for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC at an undisclosed date.