Studio co-founder Marcin Iwinski admits they ‘threw people in the middle of the story’ in The Witcher, and ”a lot of players” didn’t understand what was happening around them.
They attempted to further correct this by adding more content with Xbox 360’s launch of The Witcher 2, as well as offer a free content patch for the PC version to benefit everyone.
Their upcoming sci-fi RPG Cyberpunk will be much easier to settle into, vows Iwinski. ”…we want to create a story that is very profound, but the novice players should be introduced to better than they were in The Witcher 2,” he said.
”In The Witcher 1, for example, we were throwing people in the middle of the story, and we assumed that players would know what is happening! But a lot of players told us that they didn’t really understand this relationship or that relationship,” he added. The team won’t be making Cyberpunk any less complex though, just better understood.
”Players should be able to choose how deep they want to enter the story or the plot,” said Michal Platkow-Gilewski. “If they’re really hardcore, they can really dig deeper and deeper and deeper, and if they’re just casual, they can still learn about the characters and the story, but they’ll do that by going in another direction.”
Iwinski reiterated: ”Just to make sure we’re understood correctly by our fans, this does not mean that we are going to simplify our games. That’s definitely not the case. But for some audiences, the learning curve should be improved, and particularly the introduction to the world needs to be better.”
Cyberpunk is being developed by CD Projekt RED and is based off the pen and paper RPG game created by Mike Pondsmith, which features a futuristic but dystopian society.