The studio’s trademark crazy (Killer 7, Shadows of the Damned) haven’t put the new bosses off, assures Suda51. In fact they choose the craziest two yet to green light at Grasshopper.
”This is a good thing because now I can focus more on the creative side,” Goichi Suda told Polygon. GungHo Online Entertainment acquired Grasshopper on January 30th.
Other recent titles from the developer include XBLA’s Diabolical Pitch and Lollipop Chainsaw.
”GungHo is providing me with complete creative freedom. I’ve worked with multiple publishers in the past, but I don’t think there are many presidents out there who will provide such freedom to their development team. Now I can focus even more than I could in the past, so I think this will be a good thing for Grasshopper,” continued Suda51.
GungHo want crazy: ”The world that Suda has in his mind is something we can’t create at GungHo, so it’s about having something we don’t and working with that world,” added GungHo president Kazuki Morishita.
”As Morishita-san flipped through the presentation and ideas, he said ‘That’s no good, that’s no good,’ and when he reached the last two, yes said, ‘Yep, those are good’,” Suda said. ”So he actually chose the two I was very worried about in terms of somebody not wanting to do them. It sort of matched up. I’m very thankful for it.”
Both parties are remaining silent about their upcoming project which is coming to consoles this fall and occupies the hack and slash RPG genre. Some concept artworks have been released.