According to the developer, the 8-bit style is exactly the NES’s original color palette. ”Also, most of Odallus graphics respect NES’ limitations for color and size of each image. Despite all these self imposed restrictions, we are confident Odallus recreates a antique and macabre atmosphere, something as Brave Heart and Highlander meets Evil Dead. Or just a Celtic 8bit game of Berserk. Our main inspiration for this sort of environment was Demon’s Crest,” noted the developer.
The developer also released a short demo. ”The demo is short, expect to finish it in about 30~50 minutes, so we end up not adding a save feature to it. Odallus will sure have saves and check points, we just didn’t add them to the demo because we felt there was more important things to concentrate at doing in it,” Joymasher explained.
Odallus: The Dark Call is also on Steam Greenlight. Gamers can check it out here.
Joymasher expects Odallus: The Dark Call to be finished sometime in mid-2014.