Just Cause’s Avalanche was criticised for revealing they weren’t going for an Aussie Max, but soon changed their tune and Max’s vocal chords. A 1 minute voice demo is given to fans to judge.
AusGamers was contacted by Australian director Jamie Blanks (Urban Legends) and also Donal Gibson, letting them know Donal would like the role of Max.
”Honestly, I had to do a double-take on the email alone, but there it was, and in tow they also had a voice demo backed onto a decidedly post-apocalyptic audio track. It gave me chills. This is as close (literally and figuratively) as we could get to Mel reprising his role but film and family proximity aside, Donal’s tone and delivery are just… Max,” wrote AusGamers.
Donal Gibson is in fact a professional voice actor having worked on many TV series like Justice League, but is also a screenwriter and has appeared in live action film roles. Avalanche hasn’t exactly made clear their approach to casting for their Aussie accented Max, and so it may already be too late. Mad Max is currently in the alpha stage.
You can check out the Donil Gibson audio demo at AusGamers. Be sure to pile on the peer pressure via Avalanche’s Facebook page and their Twitter account. Mad Max releases on PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PS4 in 2014.