An Alpha version 2.3 has been released for futuristic space sim The Spatials, adding new missions, bounty contracts resource and production mechanics and more.
Developers Weird and Wry, a sibling team of two brothers from Barcelona, say that a final stable version of the game is “on track for a Steam release in early 2015.”
The second half of the game’s campaign has been added in version 2.3, along with a new level progression system for you space officers. Officers also have ‘vitals and cravings’ now, meaning that you’ll need to keep them satisfied unless they decide to go AWOL.
Planets outside the campaign now house bounty contracts for slaughtering the local wildlife. “Bounties also award guaranteed but random high quality items, and include a guaranteed high quality boss as part of their objectives for even more loot,” writes the developer.
That’s just a couple of additions, but you can find the full patch notes here. The Spatials has been Greenlit, and is coming to Steam at some point in the near future.