Hearthstone’s Curse of Naxxramas expansion has launched, but it’s causing a few issues for some players who are being disconnected when attempting to log-in.
This is mostly due to waves and waves of players trying to get access to the new game at once. Anyone who’s ever played a Blizzard title at launch before won’t be too shocked at this development.
After acknowledging the problem in a Twitter post, Blizzard customer service has announced that there’s a new update available for North American users that should help solve the problem. ”We’ve gotten an update that logins and 90% disconnects may be resolved,” they write. ”If you were having trouble give it a shot and let us know!”
The log-in jam is likely exacerbated by the fact that the first wing of the new Naxxramas dungeon is free for all users until early September. People love free stuff. Hopefully that tweak from Blizzard has fixed things.
The first expansion pack for Hearthstone, Curse of Naxxramas coverts World of Warcraft’s Naxxramas dungeon into a card-battle adventure mode filled with bosses, loot and challenges.