Remember Toejam and Earl, the hip extremely ’90s aliens from the planet Funkotron that starred in three games across 10 years? Well we’ve already told you about the Kickstarter for a brand new game in the series going on right now, but now at the halfway point and 60% to their funding goal the team have added a load of new additions to the campaign.
The biggest new additions include Stretch Goals, Add-Ons, and a promise of a DRM-free version of the game. Add-Ons include vinyl figures of Toejam and Earl, T-Shirts, Mugs and Hoodies. There are only a few Stretch Goals up right now, but these include console versions, John Baker the composer of the original games returning to do the soundtrack, adding the second game’s Hyperfunk Zone, and more playable characters including Earl’s Mom.
The campaign’s got 16 days to go and is just under $150,000 away from their $400,000 goal. The original games were pretty damn fun, especially the roguelike original Toejam and Earl which this new game (from some of the lead developers of the originals) appears to be aping the most. If you like the look of all this kick them a few bucks at their Kickstarter.