Indie developer Contagious Crow has started crowdfunding its new online survival game Wintertide on Kickstarter. Players are put into a dangerous environment where they must dynamically cooperate against other players to survive. The twist in Wintertide is that dead players can resurrect as wildlife.
As a sort of competitive multiplayer version of The Long Dark, the first game mode in Wintertide will be Survivors Vs Scavengers, a 5 vs 5 survival team death-match where players must hunt for food, keep warm, and take out the other players. They can also loot cabins and buildings for items. One of the stretch goals will open up the game as an open world.
The main crux of the game is that if a player dies, they may resurrect as a wildlife animal, depending on how well they were playing up to that point. Animals players can reincarnate as include deer, moose, wolves and bears. (Though one wonders how useful being a deer will be save giving your teammates some food.)
Gamers interested in checking out the game can visit the Kickstarter page here.