The Assembly, nDreams’ narrative driven first-person drama finally has a release date – July 19th. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard much about this game, we’ve got you covered. The Assembly (in regards to the plot of the game) is a mysterious organisation responsible for several secret experiments. These experiments have led to astonishing breakthroughs, but they’ve only been possible due to the organisation working outside of government scrutiny and society’s morals.
One very important aspect of The Assembly is that it has been designed with VR in mind. From the beginning, The Assembly was always intended to be a VR game, though this doesn’t mean players have to own a VR headset to play through the story.
nDreams have written about what you will be doing in The Assembly on the game’s website (which you can find by clicking here): ”Explore the Assembly from the perspective of two different protagonists – newcomer Madeleine Stone and veteran Cal Pearson. As Madeleine, face a bizarre induction programme that seeks to test your potential, and as Cal make a series of shocking revelations that lead you to question the Assembly’s relentless pursuit of progress.”
Check out the trailer below to get a better idea of what the game actually looks like.
The Assembly is scheduled to release on July 19th for PC (using both the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive).