Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Descent of Dragons, has been out for a bit over a week and its first nerfs are already underway.
The first batch of December 2019 nerfs target Hearthstone’s Shaman class which the Descent of Dragons cards have turned into a bit too much of a powerhouse.
Hearthstone Nerfs December 2019
Nerfs to various cards after the release of a Hearthstone expansion are fairly common, however, in this case Blizzard has moved exceptionally fast.
The update pushing the first December 2019 nerfs to live servers is scheduled to launch tomorrow, December 20, and will bring the following changes:
Corrupt Elementalist
- Now costs 6 Mana (up from 5).
Sludge Slurper
- Now has 1 Attack (down from 2).
Faceless Corruptor
- Now has 4 Attack (down from 5).
Mogu Fleshshaper
- Now costs 9 Mana (up from 7).
Alongside the Shaman nerfs, tomorrow’s update will also introduce a couple of changes to Hearthstone’s Battlegrounds mode, including the removal of Nightmare Amalgam.
The Boogeymonster
- Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
- Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
The Beast
- Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 3.
Coldlight Seer
- Moved from Tavern Tier 2 to Tavern Tier 3.
Primalfin Lookout (changed last week)
- Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5.
Nightmare Amalgam
- Has been removed from the pool of available minions.
Brann Bronzebeard
- Has been removed from the pool of available heroes.
- Has been added to the pool of available heroes.
With the first nerfs underway, it might be worth considering new strategies for Shaman or a class change. Our complete list of Descent of Dragons cards can help you decide.
Hearthstone and its Descent of Dragons expansion are now available on PC and mobile.