League of Legends Unable to Connect to Server error is one that players both old and new are acquainted with all too well. Given how the MOBA is played online, it’s not exactly surprising for the servers to have their occasional hiccups.
But LoL proving unable to connect to servers isn’t ideal when you’ve saved a slice of your free time to polish your skills with the newest champion your just both, or simply enjoy a competitive match with friends or strangers across the internet. Here’s what we know about a potential fix for the issue.
League of Legends’ Unable to Connect to Server error can pop up at various times during your session. These include when logging into the game, when queuing up for a match, and even while in ongoing matches. They’re all equally frustrating, so here are a few things you could try to do.
First, you should always your own internet connection. It does sound like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get lost in an intense match before noticing that your internet isn’t working. Hopefully a quick reconnect is enough to fix that.
If that’s not the case, check the game’s server status. The issue (and similar ones like it) tends to occur the most when the game’s servers are having a hard time coping with things or undergoing maintenance. In cases like these, all that’s left to do is wait for the developer to bring them back up.
Should the problem still persist despite LoL’s servers being up and running, double check that your firewall isn’t blocking the game’s access. Afterwards, a restart has proven to be enough to get rid of the error, in a small number of cases.
If none of the tips mentioned above help you get rid of League of Legends’ Unable to Connect to Server error, it might be a good idea to contact Riot Games’ customer support.
LoL’s Season 11 is now underway.
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