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Chapter Seven added to martial arts MMO Age of Wulin

Chapter Seven added to martial arts MMO Age of Wulin

Martial arts MMO Age of Wulin has just been updated with a big new content expansion, titled Chapter Seven: Awakening. The update brings a new Internal Skill tier, a level cap increase for Combat and Internal Skills, and new instances to explore. Today also marks the start of an "unlock event", where players can coordinate on various missions to save the ancient capital of Luoyang, discovering in the process why the city is in such trouble.

Chapter 6: Blood and Flowers update coming to martial arts MMO Age of Wulin this week

Chapter 6: Blood and Flowers update coming to martial arts MMO Age of Wulin this week

Martial arts MMORPG Age of Wulin is getting a new expansion this June, adding a new player battleground, the Flower Prince competition, a Partner System that lets you summon your friends in battle, and a new instance called the Island of Delight. Chapter 6: Blood and Flowers will assign players a random faction - Snow Mountain Sanctuary, Valley of Frozen Souls, or Blood Sabre Clan - and then task them with defending Lingxiao City from some unfriendly invaders.