Against The Storm Mods

Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update
General Mods 2 1 Jan 17, 2024
All Mods 2 1 9.77 KB Jan 17, 2024

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Latest mods

Embark From Any Town Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted 6 months ago
  • 1 download

This mod for Against the Storm introduces a new feature that allows players to embark on their journeys from any settlement, in addition to the capital city, when navigating the world map.

Worker Hotkeys Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted 6 months ago

Add hotkey bindings for selecting workers based on their race in Against the Storm. This mod will enable players to select workers either by clicking on the race portrait or by using specific key bindings. Implement two types of bindings: one that allows selection by the index of the worker in a list, and another that enables selection directly by race.