Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Features

Preview: Yo ho ho and a bottle of Amaretto. What?
I’d be the first to admit I was more than a little sceptical when I first heard about Black Flag. I wasn’t a fan of the naval elements of Assassin’s Creed III, and I don’t remember many great assassinations happening on the high-seas so making the new assassin a ‘pirate’ just seemed a bit odd, and a thin excuse to do a game about pirates. Having recently gone hands-on with the game...

Preview: Sid Meier's Pirates + The Wind Waker + Assassin's Creed = ?
When an Assassin’s Creed themed event invite dropped into my inbox, my response was, I expect, the same as many. Another one? So soon? I’d begun to think that with Watch_Dogs on the horizon Ubisoft might give its biggest hit of the generation a rest – but I was wrong. While it’s still early days, I can say that I’m tentatively rather glad I was – for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag looks...